P. 58

The key of                                            Corderie Lancelin : Terms and conditions of sale
        Corderie Lancelin                                     Unless otherwise specifically agreed, placing an order implies full, unreserved acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the purchaser, to the exclusion of any other documents.
                                                              Prices:                          Estimated delivery times are given for guidance only; they do not   For any particular order, an advance payment of 50% will be
                                                              All Corderie Henri Lancelin (CHL) prices given are excluding taxes,   constitute an essential component of the agreement between    required immediately upon acceptance of the order by CHL.
                                                              and may be amended by us at any time, according to the cost of raw    the parties. Any delay in delivering the products shall not give rise   The balance must be paid before dispatch for the first two orders, or
                                                              materials. Unless otherwise specified, products are supplied in hanks or   to damages, deductions or cancellation of any order in progress.  on the day of delivery for existing confirmed customers.
                                                              spools of 100 metres or above. A 15% surcharge will be applied for any   In the event that the shipment is delayed for reasons beyond CHL’s   In case of late payment, a penalty shall be applied for an amount
                                                              order item of fewer than 100 metres in length.    reasonable control, the products shall be stored and handled at   equal to three times the legal interest rate, calculated as of the due
                    Technical solutions                       Opening an account:              the risk and expense of the purchaser. These provisions do not,    date stated on the invoice. All amounts owing by the purchaser
                                                                                                                                become immediately payable without notice. In addition, CHL may
                      for a tailored response                 Accounts may be opened on receipt of the purchaser’s SIRET and   in any way, modify the purchaser’s obligations to pay.  suspend any pending orders and require the return of the goods at
                                                              VAT details, as well as bank account details (RIB). For the first two    the purchaser’s expense, as well as payment of a fixed compen-
                                                              deliveries, payment of the total price quoted by CHL shall be made   Receipt:  sation  equal  to 20%  of  the  amounts owing, without  prejudice  to
                                                              in full by cheque or bank transfer at the time of ordering, or in part   On receipt of the goods, the purchaser is required to ensure conformity   any other course of action. The purchaser shall reimburse all costs
                                                              (surcharge applies), with the remaining balance cleared before ship-  of the delivery against the order placed. Any claims for visible defects or   incurred in collecting the amounts due, including the fees of any
                      High performance                        ping. Goods will only be shipped after receipt of payment. Subsequent   non-conformity of the products received against those ordered or on the   legal officer.
                                                              deliveries will be made according to our usual payment terms and   dispatch note must be made in writing prior to use of any product, and no   Payment terms cannot be extended or modified, even in the case
                                    materials                 conditions.                      later than 10 days following delivery. Otherwise, the products delivered   of a dispute.
                                                                                               shall be deemed to be accepted by the purchaser. The purchaser must
                                                              Ordering:                        provide evidence of any defects or irregularities noted.  Reservation of title:
                                                              Orders of under 50 euros (excl. taxes) will be subject to an administration   Goods delivered remain the sole property of CHL until full payment
                                                              fee of 5 euros (excl. taxes). Telephone orders must be confirmed to us in   Returns:  (total order value, any late penalties or additional costs, including
                               Wide range                     writing before they are accepted.   Any return of products must first be agreed on in writing by CHL and the   those for recovery) has been received. Goods may be claimed back
                                                                                                                                from the purchaser, even in the case of liquidation or any other
                                                              Any modification to or cancellation of the order by the purchaser will
                                 of colours                   only be considered by CHL if written confirmation to the same effect is   purchaser. All costs relating to the return shall be borne by the purchaser.   similar procedure. Reservation of title remains attached to the finished
                                                                                               Goods returned shall be subject to a 20% checking and restocking fee.
                                                              received before production of the goods. CHL reserves the right to refuse   CHL shall only take back catalogue products, in their original and stan-  products made as a result of the goods delivered.
                                                              any modification or cancellation.
                                                                                               dard packaging, of 100m or more.
                                                                                                                                Clause conferring jurisdiction:
                                                                                               In case of visual defect or non-conformity of the products delivered
                                                              Delivery - risks:                which is duly noted by CHL, the purchaser will, at CHL’s discretion, be   The Laval Commercial Court (53000) will have sole jurisdiction.
                                        100%                  Goods travel at the consignee’s risk who, in case of damage, loss   entitled to receive a replacement or refund at no extra cost, excluding   Warning:
                                                              or absence of a product, shall complete the necessary report(s)
                           made in France                     and confirm in writing the full inventory with the carrier within    any compensation or damages.  We cannot be held responsible for improper use of our products.
                                                              24 hours following receipt of the goods.
                                                              Shipping costs are included for each consignment with a net value   30 days net by bank transfer to the account specified on the order.   Notice:
                                                              of 900 euros or above. Should the purchaser require multiple ship-  A delay in payment will lead to the cancellation of any outstanding   Our company is not a group subsidiary and our sole premises are
                                                              ments, these will be charged separately for each delivery.  deliveries.  located in Ernée (53500), France.
                           High flexibility
                          that meets your needs


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